Working for Casino Industry
I wrote few words about poker yesterday so today I wanted to continue with gambling topic. Casino. I used to work for 8 casino brands at one time 🙂 Creating content, translations, taking care of new games add-ons to casino games selection. I know the business from inside. Quite well. I wanted to share with you not strictly my work experience but life experience casino industry thought me.
Some people may underestimate how dangerous hobby gambling can be, especially gambling in casinos. I would compare it alcohol and drugs. Vulnerable people can get addicted to gambling as much as to alcohol and drugs. It may not cost only money but also take a life.
But now, now. Is it pure evil? Of course not. Let’s not get so dreadful.
There is nothing bad in buying a lotto every once and then. There is nothing bad in placing some sports betting coupons from time to time. And, there are situations when playing in casino is fun and harmless. You need to follow one, simple rule. Play in casino only with the money you can lose. Never with the money you can’t lose. Simple, isn’t it?
It’s easy when you earn 10 000 PLN a month. Lets say you need for bills, food and whatever 5 000 PLN. You want to save 3000 PLN. Leave 1000 PLN for small expenses. And with the 1000 PLN left you can do whatever you wish. It’s fine if you play it in casino. And it will always be as long as you keep playing for that 1000 PLN. Unfortunately some people start to lose their 1000 PLN, so very soon they start to play for 2000 PLN, 5000 PLN and 10 000 PLN. You get the drill? You know where it leads to?
So, again. You need to follow one, simple rule. Play in casino only with the money you can lose. Never with the money you can’t lose. Simple, isn’t it? I’ve seen during my work a man who won 1,200,000 USD. Yes, it happens too but imagine that the money he won have been lost by hundreds of thousands other people. That’s how it works!
Stay on the safe side! Stay responsible in casino!